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Active@ Live CD

Backup, Recovery & Security Toolset. Boot up any PC into a graphical environment from CD/DVD or USB!

Active@ Live CD is a powerful set of tools that will help you in a number of data recovery and data security scenarios.

Active@ LiveCD combines a number of powerful tools that let you recover lost data, reset Windows passwords, make computer system backups and securely erase data.

Active@ LiveCD starts when you start your computer from a bootable CD/DVD/BD Disc or USB Disk.

Active@ Live CD for Windows FREE
Active@ Live CD for Linux FREE
Version 25 released
See more details on Active@ Live CD website

Key Features

Full access to non-bootable PC

Ability to start non-bootable PC for the data access and recovery

Loads from CD, DVD or USB flash drive

Boots up any machine from a portable media: CD, DVD, Blu-ray disc or USB flash disk

Network access

Connection Manager for wired and wireless (Wi-Fi) connections, VPN, VNC, mobile networks

BIOS and UEFI secure boot

Supported all boot modes: legacy BIOS and UEFI secure boot (x86 & x64)

Access to most file systems

Read/write access to: NTFS, FAT/exFAT, Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, BtrFS, F2FS, ReiserFS, HFS+, JFS, UFS, XFS, ZFS

Remote access

Remote Desktop Client supports RDP, SFTP, SSH, VNC secure connections

Low-level data inspection

Ability to inspect data on a low-level, view & edit raw disk's sectors in hexadecimal editor

Windows password reset

Ability to reset local user passwords and user account attributes for Windows OS family

Software Manager

Download and install extra RPM packages from web repositories

Internet tools

QupZilla web browser, Sylpheed mail client, other tools cab be downloaded

TrueCrypt support

Volumes and files encrypted with TrueCrypt can be attached and managed

Console terminals

Konsole Terminal, Super User Mode Terminal, XTerm, Telnet available


Pricing Table

Please choose the correct version and licensing model according to your business needs


installs on Windows and bootable CD/DVD/USB media is created under Windows OS family

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unpacks on Linux and bootable CD/DVD/USB media is created under Linux OS family

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  • Personal license - for non-commercial purposes. The Personal License will be assigned to the individual's name.
  • Corporate license - for commercial use. With a Corporate License the company can use the program in a business, academic, or government environment.
  • Unlimited license - Business license that provides unlimited worldwide licensing for corporation.