Active@ KillDisk for Linux

Active@ KillDisk is a compact but very powerful software for effectively destroying all data on hard disk drives, SSD, LU/RAID disk arrays and USB disks removing any possibility of recovering already deleted files and folders in the future.

This robust utility for erasing hard drives and partition is also available for Linux console. This is a software that has been designed to destroy all data so there will be no more possibility of it being recovered. In essence, KillDisk is the ultimate data eraser in the market today.

Major Functions

As a utility for completely deleting virtually all data from internal or external hard drives, Active@ KillDisk can also be used to remove all data from a RAID disk arrays and even USB Flash and Multimedia Cards (SunDisk, MMC, Compact Flash) should someone is still using it these days.

This software meets the standards of Unite States Department of Defense for cleaning and sanitizing ,as well as conforms with more than 20 data erasing standards worldwide. This means that after you delete your hard drive, all information it contains cannot be recovered in any way.

However, KillDisk cannot be used to securely erase individual files off your hard drive. This has been designed to erase the entire disk.

One of the major advantages of KillDisk is its use of Gutmann data erasing method. This is one of the most secure ways to delete files and make sure the total deletion of all data.

Because of its algorithm, it can virtually kill the entire drive and erase not only all the existing data but even unallocated space.

This can also wipe out all unused space on your disk without actually deleting an existing data. The Kill feature is for ensuring that all files are securely deleted while the Wipe feature is there to ensure that that the data you deleted will not be recovered in any way.

In addition, this utility can also create bootable disks in CD, DVD or USB format for killing or wiping drives even without having to boot to Linux GUI or Linux console. KillDisk can also perform deletion functions on multiple drives at the same time.

But just like any other software utility programs, Active@ KillDisk also has its share disadvantages. However, these disadvantages are only evident on the free version of the software. For example, the free version of KillDisk only supports One Pass Zeros but when you upgrade to professional version, you will get all twenty other erasing methods which include but not limited to DoD 5220.22-M.

Active@ KillDisk 8.0 Features for Linux Console

The Active@ KillDisk for Linux Console is available both in Free and Professional versions.

For the free version, KillDisk supports One Pass Zeros erase method for erasing all data on hard drives, USB disks and SSD. The Wipe Out feature is also available for deleting unused space on disks without affecting all existing data. This can also be used on USB and other plug n play storage devices.

The professional package of Active@ KillDisk has more extensive features. Aside from the One Pass Zeros erase method, it also supports up to twenty security standards that include DoD 5220.22-M. This is also supports bootable USB disk creator and bootable ISO for Linux host platforms with Vertification support, Certificate customization, Batch Mode and Computer Shutdown after completing the process.

Active@ KillDisk also supports IDE / ATA / SATA / eSATA / SSD / SCSI hard disk drives, LUN / RAID Disk Arrays and support true parallel erasing of several disks Tiny (1.5MB) for Linux.

The Active@ KillDisk for Linux console is distributed in a ZIP archive which contains bootable USB creators, Linux console executable, bootable CD ISO image, software documentation saved in PDF format and the license agreement for the product.

Because of its total efficiency, Active@ KillDisk is one of the utility programs that all users need to be extremely careful with. You have to remember that once you launch the program and start the deletion process, there is no way for you to recover all the deleted files. This utility software has been designed that way so there will no possibility of ever recovering deleted files and folders in your storage device.

If you want to sell your computer or laptop and you do not want others to recover all the deleted files in your hard drive and its partitions, Active@ KillDisk is the most recommended utility software in the market that will do exactly what you want it to do. This is so effective in securely deleting the files and folders in your hard drive that even a file recovery software will not be able to retrieve it.

Just make sure you don’t accidentally delete important files.

Active@ KillDisk for Linux screenshot

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